About Sandra
About Sandra

Get To Know Me

Sandra is the award-winning young adult fantasy author of the Colliding Line Series: MORTAL SIGHT and REALMS OF LIGHT.  She was born in Queens, New York to Cuban-Colombian parents, but grew up in Texas with a love for classical art and literature, specifically Renaissance artists and Late Romantic poets. She attended the University of Texas at Austin and earned a degree in English, and then went on to earn an MA in her seventeenth century crush, John Milton.
Past experience also includes a background in acting, directing, as well as script writing for stage and short film.
I am a first-generation American with a deep love for the artist community and the arts. While writing is my primary love, I enjoy venturing out and trying new art forms. Currently, I’m learning to play the cello I’ve named Lysander, and one of my dreams is to learn how to play the theme to Jurassic Park.
When I’m not dreaming up fantastical worlds or challenging my characters to overcome impossible obstacles, I love seeking new adventures to fuel my imagination. Oh, and I occasionally swing a tennis racquet without injuring myself or others. I recently moved to Atlanta from Dallas with my husband, four kids, and two pups.
Some other facts:
  1. I love the ocean. Not necessarily being under water, but on the shore. I had a near drowning experience when I was young that gave me a healthy respect for the water.
  2. I was once a National Champion Public Speaker for the University of Texas at Austin.
  3. I have an unhealthy fear of tornadoes thanks to the movie Twister.
  4. Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies. I love dinosaurs and once helped excavate a woolly mammoth.
  5. I’m currently undefeated in the board game, Stratego.
  6. I believe everyone has a creative gift and love encouraging others to find it, hone it, and share it with the world.
